Central Arkansas Chapter of Parents Of Murdered Children

1015 West 2nd St. Suite 107
Little Rock, AR 72201
24hr Crisis Hotline:
501-351-POMC (7662)
Mission Statement:
POMC makes the difference through on-going emotional support, education, prevention, advocacy and awareness
POMC Vision Statement:
To provide support and assistance to all survivors of homicide victims while working to create a world free of murder.

Grief Support Meetings
Free monthly grief support meetings are for anyone affected by homicide or struggling with grief due to homicide. We are currently holding grief support meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month. We are having in person meetings on the 2nd Tuesday and ZOOM Meetings on the 4th Tuesday as of now. Please don't hesitate to call if you have any questions:
501-351-7662 or 501-412-2629

Membership is open to those who have been bereaved by the murder of a loved one. Professionals who are in frequent contact with grieving families are also welcome to join.